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Managing Scheduled Workflows

Choose Repository > Schedules and Triggers and open the Schedules list. The following window is displayed:

The schedules list provides the following information:

NameName of the schedule
DescriptionDescription of the schedule
WorkflowThe workflow to run
Running Pattern (By Time Zone)Running or recurrence pattern of the scheduled workflow
Next Run (By Local Time)Time of the next run due
Last SavedLast save (modification) time
Saved ByUser responsible for the last save (modification)

Operations on Schedules

For a selected schedule, the following action icons are available:

Disable the schedule
Enable the schedule
Delete the schedule
Add a new schedule

Unavailable icons are grayed out.

The Actions (three-dot) menu on a trigger allows you to do the same actions.

Adding Schedules

To add a schedule:

  1. From the top right corner of the schedules list, click the plus icon.
    The schedules properties screen appears.
  2. In the Name field, enter the name of the schedule.
    For example: "Daily Backup".
  3. In the Description field, enter a description for the scheduled workflow. 
  4. Clear Enabled to disable the schedule.
  5. From the Workflow field, select the workflow to be run.
  6. In the Variables section, add the Name and Value for each variable you wish to add to your scheduled workflow.
    • Variables must have a defined value.
    • The Variable Value must be copied from the selected Workflow.
  7. Clear Log if you do not wish to display each running of the selected workflow in the Audit Trail log, otherwise specify the Log Folder.
  8. In the Recurrence Pattern field, determine whether the workflow is repeated hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or is simply performed once.
  9. According to your selection in the previous step, select the workflow's running time frame and the frequency.
  10. Check Stop Workflow... to specify the timeout of the scheduled workflow and set it.
  11. Check Skip Execution... to avoid re-running the workflow if the previous scheduled workflow has not yet ended.
  12. In Valid From and Valid Until, set the validity date frame of the scheduled workflow.
    Showing Time Zones When Adding a Schedule

    Time zone is displayed when creating a new schedule for both the run time and the validity.

    The time zone is taken from your tenant settings. Contact Resolve Support if you need to change it. The default time zone is Eastern Time Zone (ET).

    The same Time Zone is also shown in the Schedules table in both the Running Pattern and the Next Run columns.

  13. Click Save.